Nicole Richie recently spoke to Godmothers, a bookstore and gathering space in Summerland, California. Nicole revealed that the Paris & Nicole: The Encore is coming to Peacock on December 13th. She also talked about books, being a parent, her morning and night routines, her favourite apps, and more. Below is a preview of the interview. Read the full interview for free over at the Godmothers’ Substack here. Please like their post and consider subscribing to show your support.
GODMOTHERS: We connected because you engage with the Godmothers Instagram a lot. How did you find us?
NICOLE RICHIE: We have a place in Summerland, so I live nearby.
GODMOTHERS: Have you been to the store yet?
NR: I have! It looks amazing. It was crowded, which is a nice thing to see for a bookstore. It’s beautiful.
GODMOTHERS: I love it so much, too. What kind of books are you drawn to?
NR: Mostly fiction. I read essays as well. Short stories, sometimes, but mostly novels.
GODMOTHERS: What have you read lately that you’ve loved?
NR: I felt like you were going to ask me that, so I brought down the books I’m currently reading; I read multiple books at a time.
GODMOTHERS: That stresses me out! How do you choose which one to pick up?
NR: It depends on my mood. So, right now I’m reading Dracula for fun. And Lisa Marie Presley’s memoir, From Here to the Great Unknown, which Lisa Marie started, and her daughter, Riley Keough, finished. I’m interviewing Riley at Graceland this weekend, so I’ve been reading that and taking notes. I’m also reading The Message, Ta-Nehisi Coates’ new book of essays, and Colored Television by Danzy Senna. She’s so funny and she’s such a great writer. And then, now that it’s fall, I’ve been trying to get back in touch with myself, so Remember Love is the book I’ve been walking around with. This is one of my favorite books of all time. I’m not just saying this because Cleo Wade is one of my best friends. I don’t know if you can see it over Zoom, but almost every page is dogeared. Every page has underlines. It’s really spoken to my soul since it came out.
GODMOTHERS: So you go back to it?
NR: I do.
GODMOTHERS: Do you do that with a lot of books?
NR: Yes, there are many that I reference. I have a night table with a little cutout specifically for the books that I tend to go back to.
GODMOTHERS: What are the others?
NR: Audre Lorde’s Sister Outsider. The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur. Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés. Shantaram is the only novel that I tend to go back to. Actually, that’s not true, but that’s my favorite book of all time. And then a book called The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah, that’s one I tend to re-read in the fall and winter. I constantly go back to The Journal of a Solitude, which is the collected journals of May Sarton. I re-read that in that fall, too. I read all year round, but in the fall, I like to go inward.
GODMOTHERS: I totally get it. You wrote two novels when you were younger. Do you have another book in you?
NR: I possibly have a book of essays inside me. I worked with another writer on the books I wrote in my 20s. I’m happy I wrote them, but if I were ever to write another book, I would write it myself.
GODMOTHERS: You should. Are there books you loved when you were a kid?
NR: I wasn’t a reader as a kid. I actually hated reading. I grew up in the ’80s and was watching TV.
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