The last batch of #CandidlyNicole episodes from season 2 are now available on AOL. There are three episodes! Click here to check them out. Below are some great quotes from Nicole during the episodes!
Episode 18: And We’re Rolling:
“I’ve been having facial expressions for years. You’ve just learned.”
“Would you skate over your mum like this?”
Episode 19: Momma Said Knock You Out:
“You want me to touch you? Okay. You told me to.”
[to Sofia] “Do you need a cup?”
“She’s always breathing, it’s so annoying!”
Episode 20: Richie Realty:
“Do you ever show side-boob to sell a house?”
“What’s my ‘watching-a-90s-erotic-thriller’ style?”
[about the sun shining in the house] “It even shines up your arse!”