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The Daily Telegraph Interview + Video

Written by admin on July 11 2010

Nicole Richie recently shared her Top 10 Style Tips, whilst she was in Sydney, with The Daily Telegraph. You can read them below. Honestly, I think they are fantastic tips to live by; Nicole definitely knows what she is talking about. Also, there is a behind the scenes video of Nicole at a photo shoot she did for Sunday Magazine that you should check out! She looks gorgeous!

Richie listens to her gut for a lot of her purchases. “I wear what speaks to me – I ‘feel it in my bones’! No, I’m only kidding. When I shop, I know if it’s working or not. We all experience that thrill when we know something looks right.”

“If you’re going to spend on one thing, even when you’re on a budget, I’d say splash out on shoes. They make an outfit. And your feet don’t grow any more, so you can wear a good pair of shoes forever.” (Richie’s current favourites are a pair of snakeskin ballet pumps.)

Read more here.

If the video doesn’t play, click here to watch it.


New House of Harlow 1960 Fall Collection

Written by admin on July 09 2010

ShopTheTrendBoutique.com have added Nicole Richie’s new House of Harlow 1060 fall collection to their website, and it’s very dazzling. I love all of the pieces; they’re so colourful and creative. The price range ranges from $45 to $220, so you better get saving up if you would like to own one of these fabulous pieces, I know I would! Check them out in the gallery below, or alternatively, you can visit the site by clicking here. On the site you can view more details on each product.

New Winter Kate Collection + Interview

Written by admin on July 08 2010

NeimanMarcus.com has added the new Winter Kate fall collection to their site, and it’s fantastic. It’s much more “high fashion”, which unfortunately means it costs more, but it’s so creative. I’m very proud of what Nicole has accomplished with her designing goals. It’s amazing to see her dream come true. If you click on the photo above, it will take you to their site so you can view Nicole’s latest designs, read more about them and perhaps buy some. NeimanMarcus.com also did a little interview with Nicole which you can read a snippet of below. Click here to read it all.

What have you changed your mind abaout & why?
I used to hate pink but lately, I have caught myself working it into my wardrobe. I think it’s because I have brown hair now.

What was your last Twitter update?
Annoucning my second novel, Priceless.

I’ve also updated the Winter Kate section in the gallery with these clothing pieces, so take a look:

Magazine Scans and Candids

Written by admin on July 06 2010

I’ve added a bunch of Magazine Scans and a photo of Nicole at an airport leaving Sydney last month. You can check them all out below! Please don’t forget that if you have any magazine scans that aren’t in my gallery, then email them to contact@iheartnicole.us. I would really appreciate them!

At an Airport Leaving Sydney in June

NM Magazine June 2010

Glamour Magazine June 2010

Glitter June 2010

US Weekly May 31 2010

Nicole and Joel take Harlow to Disneyland

Written by admin on July 05 2010

Nicole Richie and Joel Madden took their beautiful 2 year old daughter, Harlow Winter Kate Madden, to Disneyland on July 1st. They looked like they had so much fun, and Harlow’s outfit was adorable! I love these photos! View them larger by clicking below.

House of Harlow 1960 nominated for 2010 TCA!

Written by admin on July 01 2010

OMG! Nicole’s clothing line, House of Harlow 1960 has been nominated for a 2010 Teen Choice Award. No WAY! I can’t believe how well Nicole is doing with her line; it’s really exciting and I hope she wins so please keep voting for Nicole every day – it only takes 5 seconds to sign up! She needs to win this, the other people have won a lot of awards before… now it’s Nicole’s time to shine! She posted this on her official site:

I’m honored to be in such great company and have been nominated for this year’s “Teen Choice Awards” in the “Best Celebrity Fashion Line”category.

House of Harlow 1960 along with Winter Kate are both a product of my love for fashion and design and to be recognized for my efforts means so much to me.

Please click on the link below and cast your votes NOW!
(And… Vote for me duh!)


A complete list of nominees in the same category include:

Sean Jean, Sean “Diddy” Combs
Miley and Max, Miley Cyrus and Max Azria
House of Harlow 1960, Nicole Richie
L.A.M.B., Gwen Stefani
William Rast, Justin Timberlake

Teen Choice Awards airs on Fox, August 9th at 8:00pm PST/EST.


Winter Kate in German Vogue

Written by admin on July 01 2010

Nicole Richie recently posted a photo on her official site of her clothing line appearing in a German issue of Vogue. Winter Kate seems to be spreading like a virus (but in a good way). I’m so proud of what she has accomplished!


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