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Nicole Richie plays 20 questions with Glamour Magazine: “I went through a stage of drawing in my bottom lashes”

Written by admin on September 27 2017

Nicole Richie recently played 20 questions with Glamour Magazine. Read a snippet below, but be sure to head over to Glamour.com for the full interview.

Glamour: You ready for 20 Questions? First one’s a given: Who’s your ultimate partner in crime?

Nicole Richie: My husband.

Glamour: What’s one beauty trend you love but would never try?

NR: Lots of them. There are so many things I’ve seen that just aren’t for my face for so many reasons. Number one: I’m 5’1″. I’m a small girl, so I can’t take on a ton of makeup to begin with. It tends to wear me and weigh me down. And also, some things look good on the 20-year-olds, you know?

Glamour: Is there anything you wore in your twenties that you’d never go back to?

NR: I don’t regret it, but I went through a stage of drawing in my bottom lashes. It was fun, but I’d never do that now. Someone would be like, “Are you OK? Are you having a breakdown?”

Glamour: Ha! Speaking of never-agains, what’s one beauty trend you wish you’d never tried?

NR: Red eyeliner around my eyes. It looked like I was sick. It’s definitely not a look for me.

Glamour: What’s one beauty rule you think is bullshit?

NR: I think any rule is bullshit. You’ve got to define what works for you

Glamour: What’s the best mascara trick or tip you’ve ever gotten?

NR: Start at the root, move the wand side to side, and then brush it out.

Glamour: You’re always changing your hair. What’s the next big thing you want to do to it?

NR: Well, I straighten it a lot when I’m working, just because it’s shorter, but I wear it curly in daily life and I’ll probably start wearing it curly again once it gets a little bit longer.

Nicole Richie also did 20 questions with Galore Magazine. Click here to check it out!

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