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InStyle Australia interview Nicole Richie

Written by admin on March 20 2015

Jessica Wilkinson of Australia’s InStyle magazine had a quick interview with Nicole Richie yesterday (March 19th).


Here is a snippet from the article:

This is a very short trip. Are you happy to be back in Australia?
“I am, I am! I’m here all the time so it really feels like a second home to me. Plus, the weather is beautiful so I’m very happy.”

Did you watch any good movies on your flight over?
“I watched Interstellar, which happens to be one of my favourites. I had also pre-downloaded five episodes of Scandal because I wanted to catch up but I didn’t actually press download. So I got on the plane and I was ready to go and I couldn’t watch them. I had to wait until I got here so I caught up last night.”

I love that show!
“Don’t get me started. I’ll talk for ages.”

Okay let’s change the topic. In your last interview with InStyle (for our September 2012 issue), you said you find it hard to see yourself as an adult. Do you still struggle with that?
“[Laughs] Yes! Sometimes. I was just talking about this recently actually because I’m moving into homewares with House of Harlow and the reason I’m doing that is because there are a lot of women at this turning point and I’ve been one of them. I was stepping into my thirties and buying my first real home and I would look at someone like Martha Stewart and think, ‘Oh, I’m never going to be like her. Fail!’. But that’s not necessarily the case. I was always very intimidated by the feeling that I’m never going to be in that position or be that person but now I’m empowered by it. It’s something a lot of women are going through so that’s why I’m starting to move into homewares. I think it’s important.”

Click here to read the full interview.

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